Friday, April 22, 2011

Wazzup wid lyf??

          After a really long time, I'm posting again. One reason is that I had lots of work, even on weekends. The biggest and probably the most important is that I had not been much well. When I was in high school, I imagined myself to be a person who's damn too busy but who keeps cool ad-mist all the tumult. And now, I am that, with the exception of cool part. Stress is not easy to cope with! I finally broke down one day, emotionally and physically.Neither my mind or nerves could stand it.

         Well.....What did I do then? Seriously, Nothing. I resigned myself to everything. I stopped bothering about life's big dreams. For once, I concentrated on living for that moment. To be blunt, I had cut down the food I was taking, slept more, thought nothing about my dreams and did what I am supposed to do with indifference - job responsibilities, the prerequisites needed to achieve my dream and everything else I treated as a chore. I stopped asking people for support because they had been too haughty with me. Funnily, once I started being indifferent, everything turned out well. The people help me without my asking, job responsibilities less burdensome and my preparation for goals more fun. Being a chronic worrying wreck, I don't know how long will I be able to do this. But I will always come up with other idea and I can count on myself for that!