Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fight of life

Everyday starts with a new hope. It's gives enormous strength of doing the otherwise and progressing in life. Every morning I am embodied with a unconquerable will to win and thrive. I want to thrive not just live, I say to myself. I dare to be different and I work hard on that.
As the day progresses towards dawn, My spirits founder. I wonder if what all I am trying to achieve is worthy or will I be able to accomplish it. I start to feel that what I am trying to accomplish is a gigantic task and lot of complexities are involved in it. I realise that I am all alone in this and that thought begets 'why?'. If i stay like this, I need not confront any obstacles. I am safe, safe for now, safe this moment. A voice inside me mocks that I am letting myself stagnate by refusing to step out of my comfort zone. I let myself to dwell in those thoughts. As I settle for it feeling dejected and hopelessly sad, I come across some quotes, written by some co-worker, in effort  to push himself through the day. Most of those are on life and sometimes do help me get out of my despondence. The same thing happened today. It read 'Struggles are sign of life'. The very moment I stopped thinking about quitting. In fact I stopped thinking about everything. From this moment on, I try to remember that line. But one fact is that despite what mood I am in, I keep working on my dream, just in case and just in case i might keep up the good spirit always and step outside of my comfort zone.

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